Thursday, January 3, 2013

Today I took Eli to his Occupational Therapy Evaluation.  I admit I don't completely understand what occupational therapy does, although today I learned more.  But going through the questions and talking with the therapist I felt this will be a great start to the new year & helping him on his way.

The first paper I filled out--I just wanted to cry with all the questions I answered no to, but was wishing I could say yes.  I wanted to let you know a little more about how Eli is developmentally behind by what I said answered no to.

By three years old did your child:
-speak clearly so that others understand him
-follow two-step directions
-engage in imaginative play
-achieve toilet training

By four years old did your child:
-tell a story, mixing real and unreal.
-use language for fantasy, jokes, & teasing.
-engage in role play pretending to be others (spiderman)
-dress self  ****he almost can now****
-button clothing
-hop on one foot

These were all the ones I answered no to, I was able to answer yes to some of the "By three years old...", but answered no to all the "four years old."  Eli turned four in late August.  And oh how I long to hear my boy make up a story, tell a joke, or tease his mother.  And I sure hope someday he will.

 I shouldn't say he doesn't tease me--because he sure does by running around the house with something I need or throwing clean clothes behind the bed.  But I can't wait for him to use language while teasing!

We are keeping up with the diet & it's ok.  The biggest notice is him not waking up in the middle of the night, saying "stomach" while holding it in pain crying.  So our sleep is getting SO much better & if that's the only major difference in the diet--then that's good enough for me.  I love my sleep--just like any ordinary mother does & Eli isn't in pain (thank goodness).

Enjoy the New Year!! I hope the holidays were fun for everyone.  Eli got accepted into a program that I will find out more information about soon & am SO excited about it.  I will give more details as I find them out though.



  1. I'm glad he got accepted in to a program. Did you take the picture of him, it's really nice.

    1. My friend took the picture of Eli along with our family photos. Kera Williams--she did an awesome job. Thanks Priscilla!

  2. I'm so happy for you that he is able to get the help he needs and that you are getting answers.:-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so sorry about all this. It's got to be hard. But I'm so glad that there is a lot of help out there. I think it's great you have a blog to document his progress. Our hearts go out to you guys! :)
