Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hooper Elementary

Eli is going to Hooper Elementary!! I really wasn't sure what was going to be decided at his IEP meeting & worried and cried tears up until that day.  (Now I know why old grandmas are such worry warts--it starts the day you find out your pregnant & just gets worse the older your kids get & then grandkids, etc.--geez!)

The lady in charge first brought out all his test results, went through each one and would mark his score and compare it with the average score of a kid his age.  He was behind in everything but reading, borderline on some stuff but mostly pretty below average.  But after we discussed the test results, we discussed the pros and cons of him either going to Roy Elementary in the Resource classroom for a full day OR his neighborhood school Hooper Elementary, half-day being pulled out for resources a half hour everyday & speech therapy twice a week.

Before going to the meeting Chad knew what he wanted, Hooper Elementary.  The lady in charge of Eli's ABA therapy program, who decides what & how he is learning new skills--joined us and she wanted Hooper Elementary as well.  I on the other hand was still unsure--although there was a time when I thought what I wanted was for him to go to his neighborhood school in a class with 25-30 kids.
But both let me decide--so in my head I had my pros & cons list.

PROS of Hooper Elementary:

  • Typical kids his age are an example to him.  
  • This past year he has thrived with kids his age and grown so much, hoping that will continue.
  • Half day--he will still get 15 hours of one on one ABA therapy each week.
  • Neighborhood school.
  • This is what our goal was for Eli & with how fast he is improving right now, if I didn't let him try it out then I would never know if he is capable.
PROS of Roy Elementary:

  • Only 11 kids in the resource class for Fall 2014. (1 teacher & some aides for a small class)
If Hooper Elementary doesn't workout & he isn't doing well in the classroom then it'll be OK and he will be moved to Roy Elementary.  I will know that we tried and prepared Eli as well as we could.  BUT I don't necessarily think this will happen, but I am and have been preparing myself if it does.  My heart gets a little stronger & I know this little boy of mine is trying his hardest to learn and understand concepts and ideas that don't come easy to him, compared to other 5 year olds.

As Charlotte gets older, I realize the major differences in their understanding.  And what's the Autism saying?...  "Autism isn't bad, just different?.."  I may have slaughtered that, but that's what I am learning to accept and realize.  Yes, I want Eli to reach his potential.  Yes, I hope Eli can learn the skills in life necessary to succeed & provide for himself one day--maybe even a family.  But it's OK if he does it a different route then I ever imagined any of my kids to go.  I never thought I would have a kid who needed 15 hours a week of one on one therapy to help him catch up his knowledge and understanding to kids his age.  But I wouldn't trade this boy for the world.  I have grown in so many ways & will continue as he goes through elementary, junior high & high school.  He is a blessing to our family.

So wish us luck that we can work hard this summer with Eli to get him ready for Kindergarten!!  Although I probably won't stop worrying about all the things that could possibly go wrong for him--I am going to try.  And breathe.  It's going to be fine.  :)

I know that pushing Eli & getting us all out of our comfort zone is what is best for him.

Kids enjoying the trampoline

Fun today at Hill Air Force Museum with cousins!!

Ogden River Parkway--bike trail.

I will be posting progress update within the next two weeks!

Thanks for reading.


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